Believe it or not web crawlers, even Google’s very own are still struggling to understand the content on the pages of your website. Yes, your pages are getting indexed and they’re ranking in the SERPs, however if you don’t already know anything about structured data...
SEO posts
New Google softer Panda update 2.0 hits media sites hard
Towards the end of July 2013, Google rolled out a softer version of the Panda algorithm designed to take into account the authority of a website and ensure that sites producing generally good quality content didn't get huge reductions in rankings like with the old...
3 reasons you shouldn’t be saying no to nofollow links
At BrightonSEO last month the subject of links with rel="nofollow" generated quite a bit of debate both in the workshop we ran and in the PR and SEO roundtable that we attended, so we thought it would be worth clarifying a few reasons why we...
3 Hreflang case studies
Increasingly we’ve been looking at SEO from an international perspective. We have looked at implementing the hreflang attribute on a regular basis and we have uncovered some of the most common errors. I don’t want to suggest for a second that implementing hreflang...