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5 of the best marketing campaigns in the face of COVID-19

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It’s true that the COVID-19 pandemic has plummeted the economy into serious uncertainty. But, far more importantly, it’s also a frightening and dangerous time for the lifeblood of the economy: customers – everyday people.

At a time when it’s harder for people to buy, whether due to vigilant social distancing or financial insecurity, it’s how brands engage with them, even give back to them, that will determine their profits during this period and whether they’ll bounce back once the world recovers.

Here’s how brands are using marketing and campaigns to respond to the crisis, offer people support during this time and help to make the difference to their communities and the world at large as we all try to get by.

  1. DAZED Magazine brings everyone #alonetogether

Quarantine is a lonely experience, an extra angle of anxiety on top of everything else at a time when turning to a loved one would normally be what gets you through. So, DAZED Magazine came up with the #AloneTogether campaign to get people talking, being creative, and healing.

The campaign encourages readers to show off their work, using the hashtag, and get talking about the projects that are getting them through the crisis. Meanwhile, DAZED’s social media is being taken over by major stars of worlds like art, music, and fashion to set creative exercises. The likes of Charli XCX and Benji B are among those getting involved.

Why we picked this: As well as our physical health, this crisis takes a toll on the mental health of many. Campaigns like this that encourage talking and creativity provide a kind of therapy to those who can hardly get out of the house right now. DAZED is using its focus on artistry to give back to its readers.

  1. #DistanceDance

As more users flock to TikTok to pass the time, content like #DistanceDance is keeping people entertained, giving them something to come together on, and spreading the word that people need to stick to social distance rules.

The original idea was a joint effort from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, P&G, and Grey North America. Since then, they’ve had many social media stars, sport leagues, celebrities, and more boosting its popularity. What’s more, it’s turned into a fundraising opportunity – P&G pledged to donate to Feeding America and Matthew25 for the first three million videos.

Why we picked this: What people need right now is entertainment that’s safe to get involved in. And charitable donations are vital right now, especially with many taking a financial hit. This light-hearted campaign combines all of these things into one, giving back to the community and helping people all over the world.

  1. Econsultancy rounds up the impact

Proving that it’s ever in the know about the marketing climate, Econsultancy has rounded up the impact on marketing, ecommerce, and advertising that COVID-19 has had – armed with the statistics to prove it.

The thought leaders have tracked which sectors are doing best, what percentage of marketing can keep ticking over as planned, and interesting little tidbits like JustEat’s massive drop in traffic when the UK turned out to clap for the NHS – something the online food delivery service itself took the time to applaud.

Why we picked this: As well as working out how to make your marketing effective during this crisis, a strong statistical overview of the situation gives you the know how on how to get through and what to expect from your sector. This kind of information offers vital planning for marketers.

  1. Penguin’s authors go live

Lockdown has seen us reading more books and, through remote calls, inadvertently inviting more people into our homes. Penguin has taken this and turned it into a chance for readers to get closer to some of their favourite authors in At Home with Penguin.

Through its social media channels, the publishing giant has authors hosting discussions from their homes about how they’re dealing with life in lockdown. It’s a chance for readers to ask questions and find out what books are inspiring their authors through the crisis.

Why we picked this: Similar to DAZED’s #AloneTogether campaign, the brand is giving its customers a lift through much-needed human contact at a safe social distance – and books are a major stress reliever for many during this time. Having authors run At Home with Penguin is an on-brand way to give back to readers.

  1. And one from us… Edit tells marketers what matters now

Here’s how Edit’s advising our fellow marketers. The usual business playbook has gone out the window. Return on investment has dipped dramatically. Marketers need to respond quickly to the change in the market. But how can they do this during a period of total unknowns unlike anything anyone currently living has ever experienced?

Edit is here to guide the way on this. Showing its ongoing focus on marketing that matters, it has released its What Matters Now? report to draw on its expertise and demonstrate how best to navigate the crisis.

Why we picked this: Staying true to its mantra of ‘marketing that matters’, Edit demonstrates that it’s still able to drill down to the core of what’s most important for brands to approach during this time. This crisis has had marketers scrambling to work out how to deal with the climate current, but Edit were fast and willing to support their peers with their expertise.

In a time when it would be so easy throw in the towel and languish, these brands are proving that they have so much more to give during these uncertain times. Sure, profits are going to be hit across the board, but it’s how companies present themselves and what they offer to their communities that are going to make them stand out. Months down the line, people will remember the brands that helped them through or supported others. If you have a cool idea to give your community a boost and want help marketing it, or you want a team to help you run an uplifting campaign, Edit is here to help.

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