What we think

Data Privacy Day

Yep, there’s a day for everything these days. Some of our favourites include Global Belly Laugh Day on 24th Jan and National Cat Day on 29th October (we’ve got a lot of cat owners here) but as a business, the one that’s most important to us is Data Privacy Day.

Wikipedia says ‘The purpose of Data Privacy Day is to raise awareness and promote privacy and data protection best practices.’ We don’t really need an excuse to talk about data privacy, but it’s nice to have one anyway. If you’ve worked with us before you’ll have heard of the ‘privacy dividend.’ If you haven’t, welcome to a new way of thinking about your data and data privacy…

At The Salocin Group, when it comes to data collection and management, we believe that the more data-privacy, fairness, ethics and transparency are put under the spotlight, the more important it becomes for brands to take a proactive approach.

While we appreciate many brands have already made big changes to address this, we believe more can be done. Explicitly examining ethics and privacy as part of data-driven customer journeys and following examples of best practices, has the power to put brands in a position to reap what we call the ‘privacy dividend.’ Doing things the right way isn’t just a win for your legal and compliance teams, it’s a win for the whole organisation. Building customer trust is notoriously difficult and complex, but you’ll be off to a head-start if it’s baked-in in to your data strategy.

Our focus is on five key pillars; transparency, accountability, auditability, meaningful control, and configurability. These are the core considerations that allow brands to benchmark their current practices and establish a percentage score in terms of adherence, as well as setting clearly defined goals for how and where they would like to improve. 

These pillars support valuable data principles – which as a purpose-driven B Corp organisation, we are committed to helping out clients apply. This includes using data responsibly and helping to deliver privacy-first solutions to build trust and loyalty. Equipping our clients to navigate data ethics, privacy, and compliance is now non-negotiable.  

If you want to know how to optimise your data and reap the rewards for it, get in touch!

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