What we think

Our Road to B Corp

Our journey to B Corp certification hasn’t exactly been linear.

Edit was part of the Kin +Carta (K+C) group and formed part of the team that was involved in K+C becoming the first B Corp that was on the LSE. The drive to become B Corp certified was initially driven by J Schwan and Nick Zinzan from K+C. They approached Edit, as well as all the other companies in the group, to get our buy-in. It wasn’t a long conversation, we were in 100% from day one! We completed our initial assessment back in December 2018 over a pint and some fish and chips, thinking ‘Hey, we should smash this!’… our original score came out at about 54, average to say the least…

…back to the drawing board…

We spent the next year going through the assessment, implementing policies, rolling out programs of work and frameworks to drive us forward towards certification. Things were starting to look positive, with our score quickly approaching 80 with potential for a lot more!

And then… Covid

This slowed things down considerably due to impacts on ways of working, impacts to our clients, and such massive uncertainty. After lockdowns started to ease and certainty on the future began to take hold (as much as it can) we sat down to work out what was the best way forwards. We changed our approach and formed a smaller, more dedicated team to continue the drive to certification. Within five months we were in a position to submit for certification with a score circa 88; not the highest but we were confident that this was something we would be able to stand by.

Enter B Corp

Assessment Audit!… Luckily, as a business that takes pride in its data and having been through numerous other audits previously for other certifications, we had managed to gather 98% of all the evidence we would need for the audit during the assessment process. This made our lives a lot easier and we came out of the audit process with a score of 82.

And then… Salocin Group

Nick Dixon, who had been following Edit for some time, decided now was the time to put in an offer to Kin + Carta that was too good to turn down, and subsequently brought Edit back into private ownership as the first cog in The Salocin Group. Nick’s views on how a business should be run aligned perfectly with the B Corp movement. Although it meant we had to go back to the drawing board for a few of the Governance orientated questions, the impact on timelines was minimal and we had submitted everything and gone through the audit by the end of November 2021.

We proceeded through the final checks and were confirmed as B Corp certified in February 2022 with a score of 80.4!

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