Should you invest in a premium web analytics platform?

When choosing a web analytics platform, you must assess what will be most beneficial for your site. Key things you should be asking are: Is the site big enough to warrant a more premium analytics package? How many visitors does it receive a month? Do I utilise all the...

Keyword Not Provided: What does it mean, and what can I do?

In October 2011, Google announced that they were beginning to encrypt search queries for users who were logged into Google. This meant that from an analytical perspective, if you visited your keyword report in Google Analytics (or any other reporting platform), you...

Google Analytics Multi-Channel Funnels and Assisted Conversions guide

Google Analytics is frequently relied on by digital marketers like you to report on how their campaigns are performing. You go to your favourite report, look at the “goal completions” column and put it in a spreadsheet. Done. What does “Our organic campaign drove 175...

10 hidden gems of Google Analytics

I was once told by a client that they wanted to know how to “track everything” with Google Analytics. They were very excited about adding event tracking to every possible click and interaction with the website. While that is possible, it’s good to...