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5 signs your company needs a CRM consulting firm

Given that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than companies that aren’t, it’s no wonder that a CRM seems to be at the centre of every growing business these days.

Understanding your customers’ needs is essential for businesses today – and if you are going to truly get to know your customers, nurture your relationships with them, and improve business performance, a CRM system is the answer.

However, there’s no denying that a CRM system is a big investment, which is why it’s important than you get the most out of your CRM and ensure it works hard for you. And that’s where a specialist CRM consulting firm can help.

So, whether you already have a CRM system in place but aren’t seeing the results you need or are considering implementing CRM software for the first time, read on to discover five signs your company needs a CRM consulting firm….

5 signs you need a CRM consulting firm

1. You’re dealing with fragmented, inaccurate data

If you’re going to get the most out of your CRM system, it all begins with data. Your data holds the key to delivering powerful customer experiences, building customer loyalty, and increasing ROI – which is why it’s so important to ensure your data is clean and accurate.

Whether you’re dealing with lost time and earnings from inaccurate customer records, or are seeing data mistakes resulting in lost leads, if your data is all over the place, a CRM consultant can help you to make sense of your data and get everything in order.

Firstly, they will conduct a data audit so you can understand exactly what’s going on with your data, identify areas for improvement, and eliminate data mistakes. By cleaning up your data, you can make sure your data is relevant and accurate.

Once your data has been audited, by updating client profiles and purging old contacts, you can ensure your data is current and that you can trust it. Finally, your CRM consultant will help you to manage, organise, and store your data in a secure and efficient way, giving you the foundation you need to strengthen your customer relationships.

2. You don’t know who to target

Once your data is organised, you need to make sense of the information and decide who to target so you can get the right messages in front of the right people, at the right time. In order to do that, you need to segment your customers and identify who to target and why.

Look at it this way: you probably have thousands of customers on your CRM, all with different wants, needs, and motivations. So, if you’re going to engage with your customers and deliver exceptional experiences, you need to utilise your data to segment you customers and create campaigns that truly resonate with them.

By segmenting your customers, you can begin to understand how each customer journey works so you can connect with your audience in a more holistic way. Ultimately, the more segments you have, the more personalised your campaigns will be.

In fact, marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as a 760% increase in revenue.

3. You’re struggling to engage with your customers

We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the days of one-size-fits-all marketing campaigns are long gone – so if you’re struggling to engage with your customers, you need to use your CRM system to customise your campaigns.

There’s no point in pushing out generic and impersonal campaigns just for the sake of it. Instead, by looking at your data, you can discover where each customer is in the sales cycle and determine what kind of messaging they need and when they need it.

Basically, it’s time to get personal. Using the insights gathered via your data audit and customer segmentation, a CRM consultancy will now be able to customise communications with each person you contact, creating tailor-made messages to grab their attention.

Let’s face it, everyone wants to feel special – and this level of personalised content can result in increased engagement, higher response rates, and ultimately, better ROI. Win win!

4. You need to improve customer experience

What all of this comes down to, of course, is customer experience. In today’s world, getting customers is tough enough as it is – and the last thing you want is to lose your hard-earned customers by delivering a subpar service.

In our hyper-connected world, businesses need to deliver a seamless experience to every customer on every channel, otherwise they will simply take their business elsewhere. In fact, 32% of customers say they would stop doing business with a brand they love after just one bad experience.

There’s no room for error – which is why, if you’re going to deliver a customer experience that wows at every touchpoint, you need a CRM consultancy to help you to utilise your CRM, deliver an exceptional customer journey, and keep them coming back for more.

5. Your reports are coming up short

If you are going to continue to deliver exceptional experiences, the work doesn’t stop once you’ve hit ‘send’ on a campaign. In fact, in order to keep improving your customer journeys, you need to measure the success of your CRM strategy so you can keep delivering campaigns that wow.

Do you know what marketing activity is working hard and what is missing the mark? Do you have the ability to track the value of the leads you have generated from your campaigns? Do you know your current customer churn rates?

By monitoring trends and reviewing past performances, you can access brand-changing insights, unlock in-depth customer profiling and data analysis, and plan for the future. And yep, you guessed it – there’s no one better placed to help you analyse your campaigns than a CRM consulting firm.

By using data analysis to track the performance of your campaigns, you can identify opportunities for improvement, learn from your mistakes, and constantly improve your customer experiences.

What’s more, clever customer profiling and segmentation, predictive models, and data analysis will enable you to get closer to your customers so you can continue to deliver exceptional customer experiences and create continuous, tailored marketing campaigns.

Supercharge your CRM with Edit

When you join forces with Edit to get the most out of your CRM, we will strip everything back and use data to inform everything we do, creating bespoke, customer-centric CRM strategies that are guaranteed to get results – something we like to call transformational CRM.

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of partnering with a CRM consulting firm or are keen to find out how our team of Editors can help you reach your business goals, get in touch today.

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