John Ward – Growth Consultant

How would you describe your role in 20 words or less?

I look for new business opportunities internally and externally for Edit, also specialising in introducing the brand to likeminded business where we can form the right relationships.

Before you were at Edit, what did you do?

Over the last 14 years, I have been working for many different agencies in Leeds & London. Either in business development, account management or as a director.

What one aspect OF your job excites you the most?

Meeting new people

Are there any areas you’d be keen to learn more about?

Working with different cultures in business around the world

What are the key trends we should be looking out for?

The growth opportunity there is working internationally as our services become more in demand from other parts of the world.

What’s the one book you’d give to other people to read?

I don’t have one book but have over the years enjoyed reading Bill Bryson’ travel books

Finally, dogs or cats?


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