We asked our Apprentices about what they have learnt from working at Edit, and what advice they would give new starters.
Keep on reading to see what insight they have to share!

July was Insight Month here at Edit – a time where we looked at what makes people in the business tick, and saw what life-saving advice our Editors were willing to part with!

Sometimes it’s the simple, friendly life-hacks that can make a remarkable difference in office life and beyond.
Using personable marketing tactics can help you forge lasting connections with your customers. Breaking down goals into smaller ones might help with your productivity and ultimate sense of achievement. And tying a bright-coloured scarf to your luggage might just stop you from taking someone else’s bag at the airport again!

Luckily our Editors managed to produce some better examples than the ones above. Just take a look at the video below for some fantastic daily tips:


We sat down with two of our Apprentices, Anastasiya and Callum, to ask them about the little lessons they have learnt at the start of their journey which they hope will carry them through the next steps of their careers.

So whether you’re new to a role yourself, or just looking for a bit of mid-week motivation, read on below to find out what makes our young shining stars of the business get through the day. 

Is there a lesson or trait that you have picked up from someone else in the business? 

A: So many people have taught me so much! I think the greatest thing I have learnt is to not be afraid of sharing my voice and offering ideas. 

C: I feel like I’ve learnt a lot about resilience from the rest of the team, their hard work ethic helps drive me when I’m doing my own work. 


What skill/lesson from your course have you applied at work? 

A: All of the theory I have studied around marketing has been useful in my work. It’s been interesting to see how all the pieces of what I have learnt have fit together to make better sense of the work I produce. 

C: The knowledge of marketing theory I have acquired during my time on the apprenticeship has helped me when proposing ideas to clients. 


What is something you learnt from your course or work that you have taken into your everyday life? 

A: Have faith in yourself! You know more than you give yourself credit for. 

C: I think this job has helped me get my ambition back and just become more organised overall. 


What is an insight you would share with a new starter in your current role? 

A: Don’t be afraid to ask questions. People with experience are there to guide you and help you establish your niche in the business. 

C: Don’t expect to know everything straight away, the role can be overwhelming at first but give it a few months and you will be satisfied to look back and see how much you have learnt. 

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