With the business landscape changing hourly due to the unforeseen impacts of Coronavirus, many agencies are struggling to adapt to the sudden necessity of remote working for their entire workforce.

Business as unusual is the order of the day, and although no-one could predict the sudden and irrevocable paradigm shift that’s been forced upon us, at Edit we’ve found the flexible and secure infrastructure we’ve put in place means we can continue to service our clients relatively uninterrupted (bar frequent breaks for handwashing and checking the news).

Being ISO27001 certified means all our data processes are fully secured and audited every quarter, which gives some of the world’s biggest brands confidence in our security.

As an adjunct to this everybody works on portable, secure, Edit-owned devices, which keeps our technology ecosystem locked down and easy to maintain.

We used cloud-based collaborative software such as Slack, Zoom, Trello and SharePoint, meaning people can work seamlessly across locations and devices. Additionally we have our own private cloud, along with deep expertise in Microsoft Azure.

A foundation in Agile means our people are used to collaborative processes and quick delivery.

At this point it seems hard to argue that the way we work has changed for the foreseeable future.

It may never settle back down to the 9-5 open-plan comfort we knew. If we’re lucky, new positives will emerge; better work/life balances. Less environmental impact. Better connections and a renewed faith in digital technology as a tool to bring people together.

While we wait for the dust to settle, it’s comforting to know that with the right tools, planning and infrastructure we can still deliver important work as we wait for the new shape of work to emerge.

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