Council Post: Tech Trends 2020: Moving From Disruption To ...

The weather might be warming up but your IP address isn’t. You need to keep it warm!

During these unique times, many businesses are scaling back their email communications. Many email communications are focussed on selling products, driving footfall, or both, which usually means sending out a substantial number of emails to customers. But not right now.

With the emergency brake being pulled on the economy, many businesses are rightly being sensitive to their customers’ needs and pausing communications.

Whether out of necessity or sensitivity, you may find yourself sending out significantly fewer emails – and this could be a problem further down the line.

When we start to return to normality, your email program will resume and… Bang! You get blacklisted. Letting your IP go cold takes time to overcome and means that, while you’re trying to rectify the problem, customers are being spoken to by competitors in what will be an overwhelmed market, regardless of the sector you sit within.

But the solution is simple. During this quieter period, use email to talk to your customers in a different way, keep the brand name in their mind by reminding them that you’re still there, and be creative about it!

Make it something positive that shouts out to them in this difficult time. There are already some great examples of this being done (BMW and Nandos to name a few), so time to get to work…

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