Q. Tell us a bit about your role at Edit. 

A. Well, my position has quite a long name – Marketing Technology Principal Solution Consultant but it’s actually fairly simple to explain. The way I see it, my role is to make sure that the technical solution we deliver to our clients is the best possible solution on the market for their requirements and it works as expected. With such a myriad of different solutions on the market, navigating the landscape can be challenging, and my role is to remove that challenge for businesses looking to increase or augment their marketing capabilities.

Q. And what was your background prior to joining?

A. I’ve spent all my business life in Marketing and Technology starting from Data Intelligence and Quality, through to Campaign Management. Later I entered the universe of consulting, which meant I had to break down and understand the value, potentials, and limitations of every part of the marketing automation process and the technology which underpins it. Technology-wise my heart still lies with Unica flowcharts.

Q. What do you consider your biggest achievement to date?

A. I’m kind of a special agent, like Black Widow, but with marketing technology. I see potential where others wouldn’t and can build relationships where others can’t. I’ve built several projects on those relationships. It’s not as visually spectacular as fireworks or winning a car chase, but to me, it’s highly satisfying and an evolving success.

Q. And what’s been your biggest challenge?

A. The first year of looking for a job in the UK was particularly challenging. I came here educated, skilled, and experienced, but without local references it meant nothing. One position later my skills and experience became visible for recruiters, and it’s been straightforward ever since.

Q. The industry Edit operates in is fast-moving and highly competitive. What do you think makes the business stand out?

A. Many companies deliver technology and services but Edit does this through a marketing agency lens. Living and breathing the campaign delivery element makes our understanding of the challenges our clients face much more accurate. In the B2B world, integrity and trust make a huge difference and Edit have retained clients through delivering on our promises. That’s helped build a great reputation and trusted relationship with clients.

Q. Other than your phone, what’s one item you couldn’t live without?

A. A big teacup. The large but not enormous – perfect size.

Q. What is your favourite biscuit to have with your tea or coffee?

A. Not exactly a biscuit person. But chocolate would be fine.

Q. And finally… Which celebrity would you most like to be stuck in a lift with and why?

A. I’m terrified of being stuck in the lift. But if I had 5 hours with a celebrity to chat through, I hope it would be Miriam Margolyes. She’s fun, honest and has so many stories to tell.

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