Abbie Hooper - Under the hood

Q. Tell us a bit about your role at Edit

A. I work as a Delivery Manager; put simply, my role is to manage projects with the aim being to complete client and internal projects on budget and on time. I am often one of the bridging points between the client and account leads where I help to capture requirements, identify risks and produce mitigation plans, alleviate blockers and make sure the team are happy and have all the tools they need to complete their tasks to ensure we’re creating value for the client.

The main clients I work with are Southern Co-op and Northern Rail, though I have also worked on several data science lead Guide Dogs projects, amongst others.

Q. And what was your background prior to joining?

A. Before joining Edit I took a career break and travelled around South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa for 18 months; this was back in 2017.

Prior to that, I worked at Heart Radio where I managed their street marketing team, The Heart Angels. We would have a presence at the main events in the Southwest where the Breakfast and Drivetime Show presenters would host, and the Angels would give out merchandise, run competitions, and manage our al fresco chillout zone. My role was to coordinate all our activity and make sure the public had a great experience with the team and the brand.

Q. What do you consider your biggest achievement to date?

A. I’d say that my biggest achievement can’t be pinpointed to one specific thing, rather the ongoing development I’ve achieved at Edit. It’s a constructive environment for training and skill development, and I’m given the opportunity to learn new things all the time.

Recently, having the confidence to run retros and workshops independently has been a big achievement of mine.

Q. And what’s been your biggest challenge?

A. My biggest challenge was probably onboarding onto a major client project mid-way through.

My background at Edit had been very much campaign-related up to that point, whereas this project spanned across Strategy, Data Science, Orchestration and Tech. It was a big learning curve for me and I was given a little autonomy from the start, but the experience has made me much more confident in my role and capabilities.

Q. The industry Edit operates in is fast-moving and highly competitive. What do you think makes the business stand out?

A. ‘Who runs the world?’ Beyonce would say, ‘Girls’! Well, this girl runs her world with data, and that’s really at the core of what we all do at Edit, in one way or another.

The fact that Edit’s core proposition is turning data into profit helps us stand out from the crowd. There is a real culture of straightforwardness and transparency, we don’t hide behind marketing speak, we let the numbers speak for themselves. That, plus the ever-growing culture and amazing people who work here at Edit. Our clients trust us, and the facts speak for themselves. Edit has produced a mountain of award-winning work and there are lots of exciting things on the horizon.

Q. Other than your phone, what’s one item you couldn’t live without?

A. It’s not an item, per se, but I couldn’t live without internet. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s always good to have a tech detox every so often, but the internet and social media have helped me to keep in touch with loved ones and friends scattered across the globe, which has been a lifesaver in recent lockdown times.

Q. What is your favourite biscuit to have with your tea or coffee?

A. I don’t actually drink tea or coffee, but I am partial to a hot chocolate. Biscuit-wise, it has to be a chocolate Hobnob!

Q. And finally…which celebrity would you most like to be stuck in a lift with, and why?

A. Being stuck in a lift sounds stressful so I’d definitely want someone who could bring some light-heartedness to the situation. Perhaps someone like Graham Norton – he’d have lots of gossip to help pass the time.

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