
As a marketer, you need to know what kind of marketing works for your brand. But is your marketing missing the mark?

Whether you are struggling to engage with your target audience, are experiencing customer churn, or are dealing with disconnected data sets, if your marketing is in need of a rethink, it could be time to make a change.

One way to better resonate with your audience is by enlisting the help of a specialist CRM consultancy that can help you to provide more personalised, targeted campaigns so you can create strong, lasting engagement.

Want to find out more? Read on to discover five ways CRM consultants can help maximise your marketing…

5 ways CRM consultants can help with your marketing

1. Take control of your data

If you are finding that your campaigns are falling flat with your target audience, the first thing you need to look at is the quality of your data. Do you trust your data? Over one-third of Chief Marketing Officers don’t – so if you are struggling with inaccurate data, you’re definitely not alone.

Whether you’re losing time and money because of inaccurate customer records, are losing leads due to sloppy data mistakes, or are dealing with disconnected data that gives a disjointed view of the customer, if you want to deliver effective marketing campaigns, it all starts by taking back control of your data.

At Edit, our data experts will help you to audit, cleanse and organise your data. By bringing together data science and analytics, we will use your data to unlock the insights you need to make informed business decisions – and start getting more from your marketing campaigns.

2. Segment your customers

If you’re going to create marketing campaigns that work, you need to truly get to know your customers by identifying customer segments and getting to know what makes your customers tick.

Once your data is properly cleansed and audited, a specialist CRM agency will be able to help you use your data to uncover each customer journey, allowing you to identify your customers’ likes and dislikes so you can properly understand them and define the objectives and KPIs you want to achieve for each of your customer segments.

The more segments you have, the more targeted your campaigns will be – and the more targeted your campaigns, the more effective your marketing will be.

Basically, using your data will enable you to understand the patterns hidden within your data so you can properly understand your customers, predict what to do next, and create continuous, targeted campaigns. Which leads us onto our next point…

A close up shot of two CRM consultants in suits shaking hands

3. Use focused targeting to reach your market

One of your main marketing goals is to reach as much of your target audience as possible. The more customers you reach, the more opportunities you have for conversion – so it’s no wonder that targeting your customers is a pretty significant part of your marketing strategy.

However, if you feel like your targeting is, well, off target, a specialist CRM consultant will be able to help you to use your data to effectively target your customers so you can supercharge your campaigns and maximise those opportunities for conversion.

Once you’ve used your data to identify and segment your customers, the next part of your CRM strategy will see you use that data to find out what your customers really want and need so that you can target your content specifically to them and create campaigns that they engage with.

The result? You can realise value from your CRM investment and experience exceptional customer growth.

4. Create personalised content that resonates

It’s not enough to just target your customers, though. If your marketing campaigns are going to succeed and you’re going to see significant return on investment, it’s time to get personal.

Did you know that 71% of consumers are only interested in engaging with personalised communications? So, if you’ve been sending out generic, one-size-fits-all messaging, you’ve most definitely been missing the mark.

When you work with an expert CRM consultant, they will help you to tailor your marketing messages to target each of your customer segments, enabling you to make each customer feel special and nurture your relationships with them.

In today’s hyper-personalised world, your campaigns need to deliver a connected experience and put the customer above everything else – and personalising your content is one of the best ways to show your customers that you recognise and understand their needs.

5. Expert delivery and execution

Finally, a dedicated CRM consultant will be work alongside you to manage and deliver your campaigns in a timely and efficient manner.

In today’s world, time is money. We are all working to tighter deadlines and expected to do more than ever before with less budget – so it’s important to not only ensure your campaigns are powerful, but that they are delivered on time.

At Edit, we will work with you as an extension of your team, guiding your projects to competition. But that’s not all – we will also track the performance of your campaigns as we go, monitoring and assessing engagements levels so we can find out what has engaged with your clients most effectively.

By constantly evaluating campaign performance as well go, we can help you to create, schedule, and publish value-added content to the right people, at the right time, and replicate the most successful campaigns for the future.

How Edit can help you deliver award-winning marketing campaigns

If you feel as if your marketing is missing the mark, our team of Editors are here to help. By stripping everything back and using real data to inform our decisions, we can help you to create bespoke CRM strategies that enable you to engage with your customers and deliver dream customer experiences.

If you’re ready to make a change and want to deliver award-winning, targeted campaigns, let us help you to get more from your marketing. Contact Edit today to learn more about how we can help, or alternatively, why not download our FREE ultimate guide to creating a CRM strategy.

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