What we think

The Edit Report: The Grey Market

So much advertising is targeted at younger audiences, but there are more people in the 65-plus age group than in any other age group in the UK (Source: TGI 2018). There are plenty of preconceptions about this audience (which is reflected in the marketing aimed at...

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How design can manipulate users

Although a designer’s job is to help users achieve their goals, while helping businesses achieve their KPIs, do all designers treat their users with dignity and respect? Users are manipulated by design very frequently, but how is this achieved and how does it create a...

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Marketing in a post-digital age

In recent years, technological advances have massively changed how we live and work. Smartphones, online shopping, smart speakers, and social media have become part of our daily lives at home. Meanwhile, digital transformations in the workplace have left many of us...

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Leeds Loves Search – Slides and round up

Leeds Digital Festival is back! Which marked the return of Leeds Loves Search a half-day mini SEO conference, that brings together leading agencies in Leeds for an afternoon of insight into technical SEO, link building, voice search and more.  Thank you to everyone...

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