Our second edition of SearchLeeds happened on the 15th June 2017. We more than tripled in size, with more than 1,300 marketers walking through the doors of our new home at the first direct arena. We added a third stage and welcomed many more of our SEO and PPC agency friends across Leeds, with the likes of Stickyeyes, Epiphany and Journey Further joining our long-term collaborators Search Laboratory.

We’re incredibly grateful for all the people – the 40 speakers, all the sponsors, the first direct arena staff (who did a great job handling security and were genuinely helpful) and, last but not least, the 40+ Branded3 team members (and especially our awesome marketing team) – who gave up their time to make SearchLeeds what it was this year: the biggest digital conference in the north of England.

Session 1 – main stage

Branded3 communications director Laura Crimmons – “Let’s get emotional”

Find it on SlideShare here.

Paul Madden – Kerboo

Links as a metric in 2017, are they still relevant and how do we ensure value?

Paddy Moogan – Aira

From SMEs to billion dollar companies – how link building can work for everyone

Session 1 – Search Laboratory stage

Rob McGowan – Response One

Are you seeing the whole elephant? Why you need multiple perspectives on your customers to get the full picture

Anna Lewis – Polka Dot Data

Nailing ecommerce analysis with Google Analytics

Adam Lee and Liam Mordew – Amaze

Exploring data relationships – where quantification ends and contextualisation begins


Session 1 – stage 3

Jon Myers – DeepCrawl

Prepare your website for mobile-first indexing

Rebecca Weeks and Romain BonnetMGOMD

Adapting your search strategy for a voice search world

Mathew Court – AutoTrader

Mobile first optimisation for non-responsive websites

Session 2 – main stage

James CarsonThe Telegraph

Audience development: how SEO and social work together at a large publisher

Danny BlackburnStickyeyes

A content blueprint to drive serious SEO success

Stephen Power – Google

We don’t go online. We live online.


Session 2 – Search Laboratory stage

Pete WhitmarshSearch Laboratory

PPC: Increasing your odds of winning – how to get an extra 10% from advanced bidding techniques

Christian Scharmüller – Smarter Ecommerce GMbH

Grow your business with Google Shopping

Branded3 paid media director Jon Greenhalgh

The growing impact of artificial intelligence on paid media

Session 2 – stage 3

Vikas AroraBing

The psychology of search

Ellie England – Bing

The future of search

Arianne Donoghueicelolly.com

To rent or mortgage – PPC vs SEO and why you can’t ignore either

Session 3 – main stage

Steve Baker and Neil Astin – Epiphany

Desire, Data and Developers: 3 key facets of improving paid search performance

Sam NobleKoozai

Futuristic paid media strategies

Matt Kwiecinski and Chris Rowett – Journey Further

5 questions every client should ask their media agency

Session 3 – Search Laboratory stage

>Christina Ohanian – River Island

Agile in the real world – it really is all about embedding from the trenches!

Dawn Anderson – Move It Marketing

Too much choice for too little space and crawl budget – SEO and choice theory

Barry AdamsPolemic Digital

Turning SEO audit recommendations into business gains (SEO audit case studies)

Session 3 – Stage 3

Toby Brown – Response One

Is content really still king? And how do you make a king work for you?

Alex TachalovaDigital Olympus

Why no one cares about my content (including Google)

Chelsea BlackerBlueGlass

How to get amazing content marketing results (and measure it)

Session 4 – main stage

Will CritchlowDistilled

Lessons from SEO split-testing

Aleyda SolisOrainti

Winning conversion-driven ecommerce SEO

Branded3 Strategy Director Stephen Kenwright

How to be Amazon (and beat Google at search)

Session 4 – Search Laboratory stage

Ned PoulterPole Star Digital

Facebook ads: the shifting landscape from keywords to audiences

Lydia HinchliffMediacom

Fueling content in the dark

Malcolm Slade – Epiphany

Brand: the only future ranking factor?

Session 4 – stage 3

Martin McGarry – Bookies Reviews

So how good (or bad) was that pitch? 10 real examples of practices that either won or lost you that contract

Olga AdrienkoSEMrush

SEMrush ranking factors study

You can read through the full SEMrush ranking factors study here.

See you in 2018!

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