8 content marketing trends that will dominate 2020

You’re over a month into 2020 and you’re still going back to the well of content marketing inspiration you drained dry in 2019. There are loads of things your managers are going to be asking you about this year, and you need to be prepared. Consider this your guide to...

5 reasons your onsite content isn’t engaging your audience

Are users leaving your articles, blogs, or landing pages almost as quickly as they’ve landed on them? For one reason or another, your content isn’t engaging your audience. You’re not alone, plenty of brands publish content that users just aren’t into, and they often...

5 bad writing habits marketers need to drop in 2019

New year, new you. That’s the marketing message of every food, fitness, and fashion retailer from December 27th onwards (once they’ve finished convincing you to spend the last month drinking, eating, and wearing sequins to excess). Your timeline is now overflowing...

5 easy ways to instantly become a better writer

I’m no Brontë sister. My blog posts do not make grown men burst into tears, or women swoon. It’s taken me a solid 10 minutes just to come up with this introduction and I’m still not happy with it. I am, however, experienced at writing and editing digital marketing...