Bringing link bait back for 2019… well kind of

Link bait is a phrase that those who are new to SEO have probably never used or even heard before. After hitting its peak popularity in December 2008, the phrase has slowly been dying out – but is there still something to be said for link bait? Google trends data –...

Building links in 2018: Think like a PR, act like an SEO

In January 2017, I said link building is getting harder. Well, 12 months later and it’s even more difficult. via GIPHY Publications are no following links or have a strict policy to not link externally at all. Google is looking for quality links which drive engagement...

What’s the value of a link?

Or a link building campaign? Or a Digital PR campaign? How do you measure the exact ROI of either each link or a campaign as a whole? These are some of the most common questions I (or the team) get asked, and they’re also some of the most difficult to answer. The...

Get more links from journalists with search data

In the last 12 months 91% of the links we placed came from press sites: journalists rather than bloggers. We love working with bloggers but lots of our clients are in financial services or travel, where blog links often don’t make sense because: Our competitors are...

Link building without link building

About a year ago, I wrote a blog post about redirecting websites for link equity and ranking improvements. I touched on all the caveats and longevity of the boost, but I also demonstrated how businesses were using it as a strategy to see some pretty significant SEO...