How search volume data may be used to determine brand authority

This week’s brand update has left a lot of people trying to figure out exactly why Google is boosting the ranking of certain top brands. We know they aren’t boosting sites just because they are owned by a big brand – the boost comes from a number of...

How to use Google Alerts to find out if your site gets hacked

Every month thousands of websites get hacked into and have hidden links inserted into the pages by people wanting their spam sites to rank highly in the search engines. Most SEO companies, including mine, see a good number of hacked websites, usually after the site...

Top 100 SEO Blogs

Today BlogStorm has released the Top 100 SEO Blogs rankings. This list was created by taking the top 1000 SEO blogs and calculating their traffic and link authority before reducing the list down to the Top 100 blogs. It will be updated every couple of days. Hopefully...