The multiple dimensions of strategy (for CRM)

OK Google, what is strategy.. “A plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim” As we’re talking in the context of Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM), let’s assume our ‘long-term or overall aim’ is to put the customer at the...

Get cognitive with your customer communications

In every scenario, we have the tools and information to reach the best rational decision. But we rarely ever do. Behavioural Science has lifted the lid on our true cognitive natures. Our decisions are instinctive and emotional. In fact, we are predictably irrational....

Taking stock post-GDPR: Shouldn’t my customer base be more engaged?

Following GDPR, the expectation was that we’d be left with all our loyal, highly engaged, high-value customers. Although we may not have the deployment volumes we did before, like-for-like communication engagement metrics should paint an overall brighter picture. What...