
We’ve read a few articles recently giving data a hard time.

“Data is making marketing boring.”

“Data is squashing our creativity.”

“Data leads to analysis paralysis.”

But hang on. This needs reframing…

If you’re afraid to step outside your comfort zone, you’re stuck in your ways, and you’ve lost your marketing mojo, we’d like to unapologetically say that this is not the data’s fault. Instead, consider the other stakeholder involved (that’s you).

With that in mind, we’d like to challenge you to look at your marketing and customer data strategy in a new way. It’s time to bring your creative mindset to the forefront and use your data to power your ideas, rather than dictate them. Here’s how to do it.

How to take control of your marketing

1. Leave your comfort zone

You’re in love with metrics. We get it. After all, it’s now the norm to invest in highly measurable, predictable marketing. However, reliance on this could also be your downfall – leading to unremarkable results.

Not all effective marketing fits this mould, which is why you need to step outside this cycle and step outside your comfort zone.

Data is the easiest route to peace of mind as a marketer. You can easily use data as the scapegoat (after all, you can’t fire the database). But don’t forget, data is limited and often based on what has gone before.

That’s why you need to take it one step further, be brave, and think about what’s going to be successful tomorrow.

2. Locate your creative mojo

Do you call yourself a data‐driven marketer? Thought so. But if you’re going to take control of your marketing, you need to be an insight-driven marketer instead.

Trust your instincts and see where they take you. Be outspoken, vocalise your ideas, and challenge your colleagues to have an opinion

Whether it comes from a one‐zillion row single‐customer‐view or something your mate said down the pub, if it’s a good idea, it’s a good idea.

You can still use data to validate your thinking. And if you’re going to fail, fail fast. Celebrate failure and then fail again. Make it a habit, because every now and then, that idea will take hold and lead to those remarkable results

3. Combine data with context

As marketers, we talk about context being important. The right message, the right time. However, the importance of context is also true of insight, in application to inform marketing strategy. Let’s take an example:

“I want to retain more existing customers”.

So, what insight is relevant?

The above is just an example, but I’m sure you grasp the concept. Structuring your approach to gather insights will give clarity to inform your strategy the right way.

Sure, data is an important part of this – but be careful. Data-led insights might be able to answer your ‘why’, but it’s important to challenge the context here too.

If you’re shoehorning data-led insight out of context, it will dilute your strategy and ultimately “make marketing boring” when you apply this insight to your ‘how’ and ‘what’. This isn’t the data’s fault. It’s on you to decide what to do with it!

Ready to take control of your marketing?

If your marketing is missing the mark and it’s time for a rethink, our team are here to help.

Here at Edit, we’re experts on teaching you how to access data that will give you true insight (and telling you what to do with it).

How do we do it? By stripping everything back and using customer data strategy combined with clever creative to inform our decisions, resulting in compelling campaigns that your audience wants to engage with.

So, if you’re ready to make a change and want to deliver dream customer experience and award-winning, targeted campaigns, let us help you to maximise your marketing.

Contact us today for more tips and advice and to learn how we can help.

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