Why I applied to judge

Despite working across a huge amount of different media channels now, the variety of different print channels still get me most excited.  It has the added benefit of tactility which the likes of TV and digital just can’t provide the consumer.

I’m excited to have been chosen to judge a new category combining all print media elements I love across inserts, point of sale, or off-the-page advertisements in newspapers or magazines and looking across both consumer and B2B categories.

What I’m looking for in an entry

I’m looking for ‘that’ entry, the one where the work makes you think ‘I wish I’d done that’.  I was a judge for ‘best use of door drop’ last year and there were lots of entries that delivered on two of the three judging criteria (strategy, creativity and results) – but none that hit all three.

I’d like to see an entry really leverage the myriad of insights available to deliver more relevant and engaging creative to drive campaign success is a massive benefit.

With so much data at our fingertips, the creative is often the element that’s overlooked.  As agencies, we all deliver the advertising to the consumer, but it’s the creative that the consumer sees and take action from. Creative should be the element that should be the culmination of all this insight.

My favourite past entries

Best use of Press and Inserts (2015 Gold winner)

Battersea Cats & Dogs Home

Looking For You

The #Lookingforyou campaign integrated RFID technology embedded in leaflets with Digital Out of Home billboards to create a unique and engaging experience.  It’s a great example of how new technology can be used innovatively to tell a story more effectively with their audience and leave a lasting impact.

Best Print Advertising including Inserts (2013 Gold)

Virgin Media

This is print media at its best. The creative design as well as using the power of tactility to drive user action created a simple but memorable piece of print advertising.

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