
Customers today are more demanding than ever before. In fact, in 2023, the customer is more than always right.

66% of customers expect companies to understand their individual needs and expectations, 82% expect retailers to be able to accommodate these preferences, and 70% of consumers say that they’re highly likely to purchase exclusively from brands that truly understand them.

It’s no wonder, then, that customer relationship management is more important than ever before – or that top-performing salespeople have higher confidence in their CRM data than their counterparts.

The fact is that if you’re going delight your customers in 2023, you need a strategy that is effective through each stage of the CRM strategy cycle: reach, acquisition, conversion, retention, and advocacy.

So, if you’re not sure how to bring your CRM strategy up to speed, read on to discover five advanced CRM strategies for 2023.

5 CRM strategies to get ahead in 2023

1. Get to know your customers with clever analytics

If you want to make informed decisions, you need to use your data to get to know your customers. It goes without saying that most companies already understand who their customers are and already possess general insights about what interests their customers from their data.

But in 2023, that’s just not enough. So, if you want to go beyond basic customer understanding and unlock key information and data points, you need to use your data to inform your CRM strategy.

Whether it’s how your customers interact with your business, when your last engagement with them was, the stage at which your leads convert, or even how you acquired the lead in the first place, such in-depth information means you can truly get to know your existing and potential customers.

As a result, you can track their behaviour, uncover trends, be able to predict exactly what your customers want even before they do.

2. Segment your customers to create targeted strategies

The power of personalisation should never be denied, especially in today’s hyper-personalised world where customers have come to always expect personalised communications.

That’s why if you’re going to deliver exceptional experiences, you need to utilise your data to segment your customers and break down criteria in order to create marketing campaigns that really resonate with your audience.

You probably have thousands of customers on your CRM, but if you don’t segment them properly, you won’t be able to identify what it is that makes them tick – and you won’t be able to deliver an experience that delights them.

In 2023, you need to go one step further and use your data to uncover how each customer journey works so you can connect with them in a more holistic way. Then, you can use your data to define the objectives and set KPIs.

Ultimately, the more segments you have, the more personalised your campaigns will be. And the more personalised your campaigns, the bigger the impact you will have on the customer – which leads us on to our next point…

3. Deliver hyper personalised experiences crafted by data

In 2023, you need to create continuous, targeted, and personalised marketing campaigns so you can deliver a personalised, connected experience for the modern customer in today’s hyper-personalised world.

Generic, one-size-fits-all strategies simply don’t cut it anymore. Instead, you need to use your data to find out what your customers really want and need so that you can create timely, tailored content that is targeted specifically to them to ensure your material stands out from the competition.

By understanding what drives your customers’ behaviour, you can create the content that they really want – and by doing so, you can attract inbound customers, rather than just targeting people with tired outbound methods.

When you combine personlised campaigns with customer segmentation, you can tailor your messaging to the needs of your customers and get straight to the point with campaigns that really resonate – ensuring that your campaigns are remembered for all the right reasons.

4. Share value-added content across key channels

Without a doubt, one of the most important CRM strategies to ensure you stay one step ahead in 2023 is the creation – and sharing – of value-added content that is informed by data.

In today’s world, there are more ways to communicate with customers than ever before. So it’s no surprise that the more marketing channels you are utilising, the more successful your marketing campaigns will be.

Gone are the days when sales were a phone call or even a door-to-door gig. Instead, buyers today get their information from a variety of channels, so it’s really important to ensure that you are sharing content in the right places as part of your CRM strategy to ensure you’re reaching the most engaged audience possible.

It’s not just about channels, though. It’s about providing consistent messaging across all channels for a unified brand experience and weaving value-driven campaigns across all consumer platforms to deliver a consistent, multi-channel experience.

5. Use automation to your advantage

Your CRM solution should streamline the marketing process rather than slow it down, which is why you need to use automation to your advantage. In fact, automation is without a doubt one of the biggest benefits of CRM technology today, enabling you to free up your time so you can focus on what’s important.

Basically, by using automation to complete tasks such as lead management, lead nurturing, and customer retention, you can focus on higher level activities rather than getting stuck in spreadsheets.

Plus, with automation there is also less room for error – which means you can be sure that your data is as accurate as possible, empowering you to make informed decisions, and deliver campaigns that exceed your customers’ expectations.

How Edit can bring your CRM strategy up to speed

Here at Edit, we strip everything back and use data to drive our approach so that we can create powerful, bespoke, transformational CRM strategies that deliver at every stage of the CRM strategy cycle so that you can build stronger relationships with your customers wherever they are in their journey.

If you want to find out more how our team of Editors can help with your CRM strategy, contact us today to learn more.

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