Edit are pleased to reveal our latest report, which focuses on the challenges faced by the marketing sector and how a data-lead approach which focuses on personalisation can help solve them.

The Price of Admission: Why the hospitality sector must focus on personalisation has been produced in collaboration with Microsoft and Kin + Carta and features contributions from leading strategists, MarTech and data experts, alongside insight from hospitality industry specialists.

Most key business decisions in hospitality ultimately link back to either capacity, demand, or price – or more precisely, the ability to balance all three. Our report looks in detail at how having the right MarTech and CRM strategies in place can go a long way to addressing these challenges head-on by building relationships with the patrons that matter the most, repeat visitors.

But many opportunities to deliver more tailored experiences through good data collection have been missed in the hospitality sector as, post-pandemic, venues revert back to their old ways, focusing on acquisition and not retention, as the data challenge becomes a blocking mindset.

“Companies that do understand the value of data need to capture it in a way that is friction-free. This is where value exchange in data becomes important – the idea that, in order to make a service more personalised and relevant to an individual, you need to know more about them.

People want to navigate their journeys based on who they are. Now, more than ever before, people are travelling and experiencing hospitality in a more purposeful way, with an expectation of the levels of personalisation they experience online to translate to the real-world.

Shane O’Flaherty, the Global Director for Travel, Transportation and Hospitality at Microsoft.

Download the full report here: https://edit.co.uk/hospitality-report/

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