What we think

Personalisation as a Process

Personalisation as a Process

Customer centricity and personalisation are heavily discussed these days, more so than ever before.

But most organisations work round internal structures rather than customer needs, so how can we change that?

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Creating a data strategy roadmap? Here’s what it should include

Creating a data strategy roadmap? Here’s what it should include

If you want to understand the pattern and characteristics hidden within your data and use it to make informed decisions, you need a data strategy.

The average company analyses just 40% of its data – and when it comes to unstructured data, this figure drops to less than 1%. So, what’s going on? Well, the fact is that most data wastage is down to businesses not having a data strategy roadmap in place to ensure their data is used effectively.

However, at a time when 90% of businesses are increasing their investments in data and analytics, it’s never been more important to have a data strategy roadmap to make sure you get the most out of your insights.

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