Blog Posts

Personalisation as a Process

Personalisation as a Process

Customer centricity and personalisation are heavily discussed these days, more so than ever before.

But most organisations work round internal structures rather than customer needs, so how can we change that?

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Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day

Did you know that 28th January is Data Privacy Day? Yep, there’s a day for everything these days. Some of our favourites include Global Belly Laugh Day on 24th Jan and National Cat Day on 29th October (we’ve got a lot of cat owners here) but as a business, the one...

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CRM vs MAP vs ERP – spot the difference!

CRM vs MAP vs ERP – spot the difference!

Whether you’re just starting out in marketing or revenue operations, or you’re a seasoned veteran, there’s a lot to think about. The plethora of technology and systems within a business can be quite a minefield to get your head around –and it doesn’t help that many...

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Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

Everyone deserves a second chance, right?

And you may be surprised but I do mean Microsoft.   Yes, you Marketing Automation Platform (MAP) evangelists may gasp in shock. And I will be honest, anyone who saw the what-was-previously-known-as Microsoft Dynamics Marketing – Outbound Marketing, can be...

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