What we think

Why disruptor brands still need traditional channels

We’re getting ready for MadFest 2020, this year themed around “daring to be different”. In that spirit, here’s the latest in a short series celebrating those brands who have struck out and dared to be different themselves – for better or for worse. Even disruptors' TV...

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5 brands who dared to be different and won

Here at Edit, we're busy getting ready for MadFest, this year themed around “daring to be different”. In that spirit, here’s the first in a short series celebrating those brands who have struck out and dared to be different themselves – for better or for worse. 5...

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JICMAIL proves the power of Partially Addressed Mail

New research from Joint Industry Committee for Mail (JICMAIL) has revealed what our clients have known for a while: partially addressed mail (PAM) is a powerful new tool in the marketer’s toolkit. The stats prove that print marketing shouldn’t be underestimated in...

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