I tip my imaginary hat to the great blog by my colleague Ben Briggs detailing the success that Partially Addressed Mail (PAM) is generating for our clients.

I have to admit, when it first rolled out, I was a doubter, but I can admit when I’m wrong (and after seeing response uplifts of up to 403% – I was quite wrong)!

However, I have to hijack some credit for PAM’s success, as the data management that sits behind the PAM process is vital to its astonishing ROI, and the Pura team here at Edit have worked hard to support our media team in introducing PAM to our clients.

Much like Direct Mail, the accuracy of the data used in a PAM campaign (PAMpaign?) will have a direct influence on its performance and, much like Direct Mail, the work that is done on the data is behind the scenes and often forgotten about!

Remember, for every outstanding campaign, there are a team of data cleansing experts hard at work, toiling away at the very outset, deliberating what rules must be applied and what recommendations could be applied; both of which need an expert eye to ensure compliance and success.

The Pura data team here at Edit have built an end to end process, from taking the postcode selections & client exclusions through to mailsort, seeds & output – each tailored to fit our client’s individual needs & contributing to the phenomenal success we’re seeing.

However, these heroes don’t mind going unsung and uncelebrated. In fact, they thrive when processing all sorts of data to drive incredible campaign results.

So why not give them a call to how we’ve built Pura to help with all your data cleanse needs (and bring a bit of light into their lives while you’re at it)?

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