
Epiphany’s Malcolm Slade has wrapped up Stage Two for the day with a brilliant presentation. Thanks to all of today’s speakers, brands and attendee’s – this room has been packed to the rafters all day long! Now, time for a beer or three…


Certain niches don’t have many brands, but this will not always be the case – you will start having to do this and Google doesn’t care if you can’t, and an AI powered algorithm cares even less. However, there is always PPC!

Malcolm Slade, Epiphany


10 excellent results, 20 good results, 70 good enough results… 826 million ordered OK, but nobody cares .

Malcolm Slade, Epiphany


Google is looking for new ways to grade websites using AI.

Malcolm Slade, Epiphany


SEO got noticeably harder in 2012… And even harder in 2016.

Malcolm Slade, Epiphany


The final speaker of the day is about to hit Stage Two…

Brand:he only future ranking factor

Malcolm Slade, Epiphany


Re-evaluate what is ‘success’ in your content strategies and embrace your brands dark side.

Lydia Hinchliff, MediaCom


Don’t be afraid of the dark…

The vast amount of content is shared using dark social as apposed to public social.

Lydia Hinchliff, MediaCom


The internet was supposed to maximise the opportunity for mass marketing, homogenise everyone, connect us all – but actually it allowed for silos of interest.

Lydia Hinchliff, MediaCom


Everybody has a dark side – Facebook Jane is different from Tinder Jane.

Lydia Hinchliff, MediaCom


Up next, something a bit spooky…

Fuelling content in the dark

Lydia Hinchliff, MediaCom


Apply the Pareto principle, focus on the top 20% of your audience and then create lookalikes.

Ned Poulter, Pole Star Digital


A Facebook video view campaign is a really cheap of acquiring top of the funnel traffic, then whittling down engaged users.

Ned Poulter, Pole Star Digital


We’re moving away from a focus on keywords and more towards audiences. By leveraging audiences we can make our paid marketing activity work harder.

Ned Poulter, Pole Star Digital


A short break now, before we resume for the final three speakers.

Next up…


Facebook Ads:he shifting landscape from keywords to audiences

Ned Poulter, Pole Star Digital


Never mind dropping SEO bombs, Barry ‘Potty mouth’ Adams from Polemic Digital just loves the f-bomb!


Next up on Stage Two…

Turning SEO Audit Recommendations into Business Gains (SEO audit case studies)

Barry Adams from Polemic Digital


Next up on Stage Two…

Turning SEO Audit Recommendations into Business Gains (SEO audit case studies)

Barry Adams from Polemic Digital


Confusing duplicate, near duplicate (DUST) and similar content could cost you dearly.

Dawn Anderson, Move it Marketing


Next up…

Too much choice for too little space and crawl budget. SEO and choice theory

Dawn Anderson, Move it Marketing


Let teams drive their own commitments and let them fail once in a while. Build a safe to fail environment and encourage teams to experiment!

Christina Ohanian, Agile Coach, River Island


For many organisations, keeping up – let alone getting ahead – is a business critical concern. The urgent need to adapt to new ways of working is a necessity, especially in the retail sector.

Christina Ohanian, Agile Coach, River Island


Agile Software Development is about delivering software (business value) iteratively instead of delivering it all at once at the end.

Christina Ohanian, Agile Coach, River Island


For many organisations, keeping up – let alone getting ahead – is a business critical concern. The urgent need to adapt to new ways of working is a necessity, especially in the retail sector.

Christina Ohanian, Agile Coach, River Island


Good afternoon! We’re kick starting the afternoon with Christina Ohanian from River Island, who is going to move away from SEO and discuss being agile in the real world…


So, that’s the morning wrapped – time for lunch!

Come join us again at 14:05 when Christina Ohanian from River Island kicks off the afternoon, sharing tips on how to be agile in the real world…


Critical technology helps marketers analyse countless real time signals. As humans, this level of personalisation and automation is impossible. It’s also impossible based on pure logic coding – Google learns about you and delivers you results that matter.

Jon Greenhalgh of Branded3 explains the growing impact of AI on paid media


Jon Greenhalgh of Branded3 begins his discussion on the growing impact of artificial intelligence on paid media…


Christian Scharmüller from Smarter Ecommerce GMbH provides his Google Shopping ninja tips at a glance:

1.Manage your bids at the sku level for transparent, optimal performance

2.Set device modifiers at the Ad group level

3.Triple your campaign structure for individual, device-specific bids

4.Use Enhanced CPC while you develop your Query Sculpting know-how

5.Don’t trust your gut:est your hypotheses — at a reasonable scale!


Advance your campaign structuring, optimize your device strategies and sculpt your search queries.

Christian Scharmüller from Smarter Ecommerce GMbh explains how to become a Google Shopping ninja…


Often overlooked, but hugely important…

Peter Whitmarsh from Search Laboratory explains how to increase your odds of winning with PPC, and get an extra 10% using advanced bidding techniques


Context is more important than data.

Adam Lee and Liam Mordew from Amaze explore data relationships – Where quantification ends and contextualisation begins…


Are you getting stuck into your data?

Anna Lewis from Polka Dot Data explains how you can nail e-commerce using Google Analytics…


If content is king, context is queen.

Rob McGowan, Response One

Are you making pragmatic use of the customer data freely available to you?


Rob McGowan, Response One

Half of the truth is often a great lie.

Are you seeing the whole elephant?


Are you seeing the whole elephant?

Rob McGowan from Response One will be kicking off proceedings on Stage 2, explaining why you need multiple perspectives on your customers to get the full picture…

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