Is your CRM delivering?

Is your CRM delivering?

Your CRM system is the beating heart of your business, helping you to deliver on your business objectives and provide and exceptional customer experience. In fact, in today’s competitive world, your CRM system can make all the difference. Did you know, for example,...
Marketing in need of a rethink? How CRM consultants can help

Marketing in need of a rethink? How CRM consultants can help

As a marketer, you need to know what kind of marketing works for your brand. But is your marketing missing the mark? Whether you are struggling to engage with your target audience, are experiencing customer churn, or are dealing with disconnected data sets, if your...
5 advanced CRM strategies for 2023

5 advanced CRM strategies for 2023

Customers today are more demanding than ever before. In fact, in 2023, the customer is more than always right. 66% of customers expect companies to understand their individual needs and expectations, 82% expect retailers to be able to accommodate these preferences,...
How to transform your CRM strategy

How to transform your CRM strategy

Customer expectations are at an all-time high. And if you’re going to delight your customers, you need a solid CRM strategy. Implementing a CRM strategy enables you to build long-lasting relationship with your customers so you can enhance customer loyalty and increase...