Automation in Automotive: Getting connected customer journeys right 

Automation in Automotive: Getting connected customer journeys right 

As consumers we can all agree that a huge percentage of our purchases, from clothes, and all manner of gifts and homeware are confidently bought online. We know what to expect, the purchasing journey is so ingrained, a series of micro-transactions that happen with us...

SearchLeeds 2018 – all the slides and what we learned

What is SearchLeeds? SearchLeeds is the biggest digital marketing conference in the north of England. This year more than 1,500 people joined us at Leeds first direct arena on the 14th June to watch 36 speakers deliver talks about paid and organic search, content...

SEO ranking factors in 2018

In 2006, before iPhones and Androids, a Google document mentioned the search engine uses “over 200 signals” for ranking. There are probably thousands of ranking signals now and we can’t pretend to know what they are. What we do know is how much of an impact optimising...