7 of the Best Social Media Campaigns (And What You Can Learn From ...

Some of the most stand-out marketing campaigns right now are the ones that have adapted to the way that people are living through lockdown. They’re engaging with people in an otherwise lonely time or they’re acknowledging the difficulties that some people are now facing and calling for support. That’s very much the theme of this week’s round-up of exciting marketing campaigns during the pandemic.

  1. #TheBigMissYou

How do Big Issue vendors earn their keep with no one about to buy the magazine? That’s what social creative campaign, #TheBigMissYou, highlights to readers. The Big Issue tweeted the video message from its vendors, encouraging both regular readers and new readers to get a subscription instead.

Why we chose this: With street vendors reliant on sales of The Big Issue, now is a precarious time. Yet, the magazine has stepped in and shown it wants to keep its workers supported – of subscription sales, 50% will go to the vendors while the other 50% will be used to fund future initiatives that could help them out.

  1. Greetings from lockdown

Two creatives showed the world how stunning the view from lockdown can be. Robyn Frost and Victoria Rosselli came up with the idea to reimagine people’s window views while in lockdown as postcards, after sending each other their own photos. That sparked a Twitter thread encouraging people to send their own pictures to be turned into postcards, with gorgeous results.

Why we chose this: Many of us will be sad about not going on holiday this year but this thread might help us find the beauty right on our doorsteps. Plus, what better way to get that taste of local culture we enjoy from travelling than from inside people’s houses?

  1. Denny’s does gaming

What’s one form of entertainment you can count on in lockdown? Gaming. And restaurant chain Denny’s has gotten in on the act. It set up Dennys247 on Nintendo Switch Online, PlayStation Network, and Xbox Live, where it plays two-hour sessions with fans and offers discount codes for Denny’s on Demand. And it keeps funny updates rolling in on Twitter.

Why we chose this: It’s a creative way to keep fans engaged, connecting through often less used channels. The timing is ideal, when many people will be using online games to keep themselves occupied and a friendly teammate might help them feel less lonely.

  1. Oscar Mayer’s front yard cookout

For those missing their barbecues in the garden, Oscar Mayer has a safe alternative. The hot dog brand is encouraging Americans to have a front yard cookout on May 2nd, where people can grill their food and chat to their neighbours safely from afar. Oscar Mayer will also donate 1 million meals to Feeding America, and it intends to share up to a further 1 million meals if fans Tweet photos of their grilling activites with the hashtag #FrontYardCookout during May.

Why we chose this: It gives people ideas for getting involved in the things they miss: outdoor barbecues and socialising with friends. As well as helping people on a social level, it’s also giving to a worthy cause.

  1. Jägermeister amps up online parties

Jägermeister is bringing live DJs, musicians, magicians, or other entertainers to your online parties. With Meister Drop-Ins, the brand will book 20 to 30 minutes sessions with these artists for parties on people’s chosen video conferencing software. Activities range from live graffiti to DJ sets to cocktail making. These can be booked for free through the #SaveTheNight website.

Why we chose this: People are having birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions while in lockdown. With parties over video calls feeling like the best way to commemorate them, this initiative can make them events to remember.

Brands are recognising people’s changing habits when it comes to engaging with media while they’re confined by lockdown. They’re using new channels or coming up with new activities to bring people together. Ideas like these are a great booster for brand awareness but, more importantly, they give people something to look forward to. That, and much-needed company in an otherwise lonely time.

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