Personalisation has been made possible in recent years thanks to ever-evolving technological advances.

For instance, access to tools such as Finecast allows super granular targeting on TV, whilst some agencies even claim to be able to build models on consumer passion – and these are just two of the marketing technology options which have increased by 3,200% since 2011.

It’s no wonder marketers can get distracted by the shiny new technology available, such as hyper-personalisation.

When used as part of a data-driven strategy, hyper-personalisation gives marketers the opportunity to increase response rates and return on investment for clients, which is a very attractive proposition. But do customers really want it? We investigate…

The paradox of hyper-personalisation and GDPR

When talking about personalisation, it isn’t complete without a mention of GDPR. The new regulations give the control of personal data back to the consumer but have also created a stumbling block for some media channels like direct mail.

As marketers we want the best of both worlds – we want our own data to be secure, but want to access the data we need to make sure our marketing is effective.

Consumers are ever more aware of how they’re being targeted, but as Mark Ritson states: “Just because we can do a much more advanced job of targeting does not mean consumers want any part of it. In fact, we can be certain that they do not”.

So, what does the future hold?

1. A return to traditional targeting

One possibility is a return to more traditional targeting methods. Door drop, for example, has been undergoing a renaissance since the introduction of GDPR because non-addressed mail isn’t affected by the regulations, but remains a cost-efficient way to target households at scale.

So, could we see a return to assumptive, insight-driven channels like door drop? Well, it reaches a broad range of target audiences, engagement continues to rise, and door drop has held up well in an increasingly difficult market, meaning it remains valuable to marketers.

2. Good old-fashioned strategy

We’ve all been found guilty of missing the point here in understanding the wider business objectives and striving for instant return in sales or income. So often strategy, such a pivotal part of the process, is missed out.

However, taking extra time to look at layering multiple data sources from campaign performance (channel, creative), CRM programmes, consumer behaviour (type, location, length, response type, consumer emotion) socio-demographics and size of the market is fundamental to defining your data-driven strategy for both media and measurement.

3. Amazing creative

Given the heavy number-crunching carried out in pursuit of a brief, it’s surprising how little insight filters down to the creative agency.

Agencies deliver the advertising to the consumer. It’s the creative that the consumer sees, and takes an action from and this is the element that should be the culmination of all this insight.

4. A stronger link between data strategy and creative

Do we as marketers have access to too much data to make decisions from and is this stifling our creativity?

We would argue that, yes, data is rational, but it’s how you use it which defines whether it’s ‘boring’ or stifles creativity.

We use data (significant and varying types from performance to attitudinal and behavioural) to put together successful campaigns for clients, so it baffles us that, data can’t be viewed as exciting. Utilising the myriad of insights available to deliver more relevant and engaging creative to drive campaign success is a massive benefit.

And we believe this is where our skill as marketers really comes in.

It all comes down to customer experience

Just because we have this plethora of targeting options available, do we really need to use it in such fine detail – especially if the consumer doesn’t want it?

It comes back to truly understanding the consumer and delivering them a personal experience that not only uses the plethora of data that we have available but also understands their communication preferences: who they are, what they like, and, most importantly, what they want.

To learn more about what truly drives your customers and are keen to utilise the power of your data to drive informed, customer-centric decisions, contact us to find out how we can help.

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