Calling 2022 an action-packed year can only be seen as an understatement. Whether it’s just the business news you’ve been keeping an eye on, or the many rollercoaster events of the wider world, this year has held a multitude of landmarks. And here at Edit and Join the Dots, we’re no exception.
So, what’s been going on this year?
We’re so glad you’ve asked!
Join the Dots arrives!

Yes, this really happened in 2022! Although hard to believe, our sister company Join the Dots was announced in January – just two months after Salocin’s acquisition of Edit. Once Edit’s media team, JTD have grown exponentially since becoming their very own stand-alone media agency. From speaking and hosting numerous in-person events, to winning a plethora of awards across the board, Join the Dots has a lot to be proud of in their debut year!
B Corp Certification

Even all these months on, Edit and Join the Dots are still bursting with pride to tell you that we are officially B Corp! The road to certification was a dedicated one – with our team posting an insightful blog to the lengths we took to reach the standard. Although we joined the B Corp family way back in February, Edit and Join the Dot’s environmental mission has not slowed down in the slightest. Business for change, not just profit.
Signal Launches

2022 also oversaw the launch of Signal, our flagship digital direct mail solution that was developed on the back of customer feedback. Edit and Join the Dots worked tirelessly to empower targeted customers with this new campaign, which was created on the back of award-winning work with Jaguar Land Rover.
Environmental Impact Report

Based on data from 1st August 2021 – 31st July 2022, we announced our first annual Environmental Impact Report. In line with B Corp standards, as well as our own mission to be better environmental stewards, we have aimed to make the report as transparent as possible. We’re very excited to see how the data compares to next year!

The Salocin Group’s first full year in charge has exceeded all expectations when it comes to our trophy cabinet! With our total awards under new ownership now firmly in the double-figures at 14, outlining every single one would be a lengthy task, but our clean-sweep at the Campaign Tech Awards and our most recent accolades – Bronze at the DMA and a win at Engage B2B – are all among our highlights.

Edit and Join the Dots have always championed our people-first approach to business, and this year we’ve been maintaining that standard with an abundance of in-person and virtual events for our Editors and Dotters! From our company walks during Mental Health week, to our Pumpkin and Mince pie competitions, all the way to our Quarterly Town Hall and Christmas Party! Edit and Join the Dots strive to include everyone!
We asked many of our Editors and Dotters a few questions about their year, and here were our favourite responses:
“What’s your proudest moment of 2022?”
Forgive me for being greedy but I’m going to name two as one has allowed me to do the other! The first is getting my job at Edit! I’m really proud to say I work here and I love the culture as it trusts and respects me as an Editor and a person. So much so it inspired me to return to the beautiful game at 53 years old and I now play for Horsham Women’s Eagles Football Team as I have the time thanks to Edit’s ways of working for employees.
Rachel Piggott
“Edit became B Corp certified this year!
What efforts have you stepped up this year to be more environmentally friendly?”
Loved Ecologi so much that I have a personal account to offset myself, husband & pussy cats
Stace Day
I’ve started Plogging, which is going for a jog and picking up plastic along the way. I do this with my running club in Bristol around the harbourside, it’s amazing how much you can pick up in an hour.
Claire Harrison
“What was your team highlight this year?”
Spending my first week in the office and being made to feel so welcome and knowing I’d made the right decision to join.
Lotte Buckley
“What is your New Year’s Resolution?”
Work or life? Haha. To cover both it’s to say yes more and make more memories (which I will document in a scrapbook I’m very excited to start).
Shona Harding
It’s been a fantastic year here at Edit and Join the Dots, and all involved in this roundup have felt nothing but pride as we collected these moments for you all. But that’s enough of the past! 2022 draws to a close, and now we must all look ahead. On behalf of everyone at both teams, we wish you a very happy festive season, and a brilliant new year!
Here’s to 2023!