What we think

Does the disavow tool work and will it aid recovery from penalties?

Scepticism has been coursing through the veins of SEOs everywhere since the inception of Google’s spam-beating disavow tool. There was, needless to say, controversy aplenty upon its launch, with the most prominent question unsurprisingly being: does it actually work? In our experience, we’d insist that ‘yes’ is the answer. The disavow tool is a great […]

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Advanced guide to the Google Link Disavow Tool

Google has finally announced that they are launching a tool to allow websites to disavow any bad links to their site that might be causing a penalty. The tool is fantastic news for sites that have been struggling to recover from a penalty using the link removal strategy. As anybody who has carried out link […]

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Connect with your target audience for SEO

Uh Oh! I know what you’re thinking; here comes another evangelical SEO nonsense post which is only written about theory and never actually put into practice…..well it’s not, stay with me! It will however, be a useful insight into leveraging your business aims with your SEO, with a few bad jokes thrown in here and […]

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How to double conversions by using Site Search

We are privileged to work with many different clients across many different sectors. One of the sectors we are growing in is CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation). One of the major players in CRO is the usability of a website. If a user cannot successfully navigate your website, it would be a bit much to hope […]

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