In our latest report, ‘Our retail future: A data-driven landscape on and offline’ we examine the role that a data-driven marketing strategy, supported by a customer data platform can play in helping your retail business survive and thrive in 2021 and beyond.

Digital advances have been changing the way retailers engage with consumers for some time. You can more easily gather information on consumers’ activity, attribute their conversion, and work out what’s attracting them across multiple touchpoints. But, as the pressures of Covid-19 restrictions and play out across the industry, retail brands need to deliver experiences that are more nuanced and personal to maintain market share.

Our report provides clear direction on how retailers can provide higher value experiences to their customers through the power of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights. Featuring contributions from Ali Rezvan, Retail Industry Lead at Microsoft, as well as industry experts from Edit, and our colleagues in Kin + Carta.

Ali comments: “Physical retail is absolutely here to stay and will not go away. But it will change. It will progress into something friendlier and experiential. And that journey’s already started.”

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