Today St Ives, the marketing services group which owns several leading digital, strategy and communications businesses including Edit, has announced its re-launch as Kin + Carta, a next-generation digital transformation business built for clients in search of seamless digital solutions.

Kin + Carta applies creativity, data and technology to help the world’s largest companies invent, market and operate new digital products and services, with specialisms spanning three main pillars: Strategy, Innovation and Communications.

Kin + Carta brings these specialisms together under its new organisational model called the connective; a global team of over 1,500 specialists across four continents, aligned by culture and shared ways of working.

The relaunch brings Edit closer to our six unique sister agencies; strategic consultancies Pragma, Hive, and Incite; digital innovation firms TAB and Solstice and communications agency AmazeRealise.

The move allows us to draw on teams of talent from across Kin + Carta, creating bespoke project groups orchestrated by a set of connective architects, dedicated to helping clients with their digital transformation.

For us at Edit, this means access to a wealth of global cross-sector talent, expertise and capabilities.

For our clients it simply means there isn’t a business problem we can’t find a solution for, offering seamless, compelling experiences across every consumer touchpoint.

We call these Connected Customer Experiences, and these are the reason Edit was born in the first place, the merger of Branded3, Response One, Amaze One and Occam designed to enable seamless customer journeys from acquisition to advocacy.

As part of Kin + Carta, Edit can now offer support at any stage of the marketing journey, from qualitative market research to UX, comms strategy and app development to creating bespoke E-commerce platforms; the connective gives us the power to transform our client’s businesses.

The name Kin + Carta embodies what the group stands for: Kin, as in family, represents the Connective’s emphases on connection and collaboration. Carta, meaning map, underscores the Connective’s mission to plot a clear path to the future.

J Schwan, chief executive of Kin + Carta, said:

In a world where consumers are currently inundated with experiences that are broken and frustrating, we’re taking a radical approach to how we’re organized in order to help the world’s largest organisations achieve a more unified result.

We believe deeply that the most forward-thinking individuals want to work for specialist agencies that put culture first; until now, they haven’t had access to the necessary breadth and depth to create increasingly large and sophisticated digital experiences at the global scale.

By enabling specialists to focus and collaborate, Kin + Carta offers clients a fluid model that helps them to build entire, seamless journeys, where every element reinforces every other. The result: from the moment a potential customer becomes aware of a product, brand or service to the moment they become a vocal brand advocate — a seamless journey towards loyalty, powered by data and creativity. Kin + Carta shows our clients where to play and delivers what’s needed to help them win.”

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