On October 17, Edit is hosting a breakfast seminar at The Shard in partnership with Kitewheel. Our Director of Technology, Gary Arnold, will be joined by Kitewheel’s President, Mark Smith, to discuss how brands can use customer experience to drive engagement within the travel sector.

Hyper-personalisation is a hot topic within the travel sector and companies are increasingly looking for ways to improve customer experience and recommendations. The technology that’s available today has made hyper-personalisation far more feasible.

We’ll be taking a look at how brands can use technology to personalise customer journeys and gain an edge over competitors.

It’s a topic we’re passionate about – our Head of Data Science, Sameer Rahman, recently discussed the need for personalisation in the travel sector (and you can read his insights here).

We also published a Summer-to-Summer whitepaper, highlighting travel trends for the year ahead. Learn about six of the hottest topics influencing the travel sector, including personalisation and, of course, technology – “if consumer demand is the driver of the trend to personalisation in 2018, then technology and data are its facilitator.”

And Kitewheel is at the centre of it all, with everything you need to orchestrate the perfect customer experience. Boasting a client list including Volkswagen, Coca-Cola, Allianz, and Gerber, Kitewheel weaves systems together to orchestrate journeys at scale.

Our CX seminar will give you some great insight into how we can all use technology to drive customer engagement, and you’ll get the chance to hear from three experts in the field.

Want to attend?

If you would like to attend, you can register for free here.

Or if you would like further information on the event please email Frankie.Bisi@Edit.co.uk.


We’ll be announcing the third speaker and full agenda shortly, but here’s a brief outline of what’s in store for you so far:

  • 8:15 – 8:30 Arrival and registration
  • 8:30 – 9:00 Brunch and networking
  • 9:00 – 9:30 Gary Arnold, Director of Technology, Edit
  • 9:30 – 10:00 Speaker TBA
  • 10:00 – 10:20 Tea, coffee, and networking break
  • 10:20 – 10:50 Mark Smith, President, Kitewheel
  • 10:50 – 11:00 Questions

Gary Arnold, Group Technical Director, Edit

The talk: Journey over destination: How marketing needs to keep pace with technology

What it’s about: Technology is always evolving, the pace of change is increasing and the capabilities being offered are extensive. Yet the fundamental ways in which companies execute marketing and deliver customer experience are in some respects stuck in the dark ages.

Marketing needs to change so that it can exploit the capabilities being offered by technology. Gary Arnold, Director of Technology at Edit, will share his thoughts on what’s wrong with marketing today when it comes to answering the customer experience challenge and the path to take to correct those problems.

Mark Smith, President, Kitewheel

The talk: Personalised wanderlust: How customer journey technology orchestrates great client experiences

What it’s about: The travel and hospitality market has shifted, demanding captivating and personalised holiday experiences for the modern global traveller. However, for a travel company in a competitive market, there is another type of “experience” that can be just as important in terms of selling holidays and growing your business: the discovery process.

Today’s consumers are demanding a great experience in the holiday research and purchasing process as well. Travellers expect businesses to know more about them than they know themselves, and to set up booking and communication channels that take advantage of this knowledge.

Great experiences can best be delivered through new technology designed to optimise the customer journey.  Mark Smith, the President of Kitewheel, will share some case studies of how this integrated customer orchestration technology can proliferate your market share.

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