Whether you’re just starting out in marketing or revenue operations, or you’re a seasoned veteran, there’s a lot to think about. The plethora of technology and systems within a business can be quite a minefield to get your head around –and it doesn’t help that many...
CRM posts
What did you get for Christmas?
Edit, and our sister consultancy Join the Dots, are already helping some of the world’s largest brands in major commercial sectors adapt to change by adopting new technology to deliver hyper-personalised customer experiences and revenue growth, driven by intelligent data.
Providing Privacy Needn’t Mean Poor Customer Experience
Companies have looming fears about the upcoming changes to cookies, the shift to first-party data over the use of third-party, and the amount and types of data they will be able to access and use for marketing purposes. But offering customers better control over how...
News: Edit joins forces with Salesforce
Back in August of 2022, Edit received news that our partnership with Salesforce had been confirmed, since then we have been working hard at gaining certifications in preparation to deliver Salesforce technologies to our clients. We’re proud to announce that since the...